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Testimonials: Testimonials

With my first son I was completely clueless of what I was going to go through or what could happen. All I knew is childbirth was one of my worst fears. I had witnessed my mother give a natural birth as a young girl and it always stick with me. I was set on having an epideral and that was about it. No one explained what a birthing plan would look like. When my water broke, my husband and I went to the hospital and my family shortly followed. They were all in the room while I had my contractions but no one did anything that helped me. My husband held my hand and I told my dad to push my back because my instincts told me that would help. I finally had my epideral and was fully dialated in about 10 hours after my water broke. I pushed for over 4 hours with not much progress so the midwife I had decided to lower my epideral and give me pitocin. Without giving me any information on what that was going to do to me. I went from feeling barely anything and feeling almost everything with no energy left to push. My son was finally here and I was so relieved for it to just be over with. I felt disrespected by my family and my staff who all made me feel I was taking too long.
When I got pregnant again I knew what I went through before and felt like I could handle it again since the prize was a another beautiful human I made with my body. But I wanted to be more prepared. I just moved at 7 months pregnant and was in a new city trying to scramble together a new Dr and get to my weekly appointments which was very difficult. I decided to find myself a doula, which I had been reading about and the benefits it could have. As I searched I found Ellyn! I knew when I was her page that she was a kind soul and I could open up and trust in her help. After all, I felt traumatized by my first birth but this time would be different. Ellyn met with me and spoke to me like an old friend. We had good long visits where we talked casually, talked about my rights as a human giving birth and what I am choose throughout the entire journey. She made me know that this what MY experience and I can choose to do whatever I want. I was only a few weeks away from my due date when it started but I felt ready. Ellyn lent me a birthing ball which helped me so much and I was oblivious to how much it would help leading up to my birth. 
2 days after my due date my water broke at 3 45 am and I instantly got in the shower and had my husband call Ellyn. We went to the hospital and were put in triage when my contractions started happening very fast and close together. Almost instantly. Since we were still waiting and could only have 1 person in triage my husband switched with Ellyn to take out toddler home and meet grandma so he would come back with me. Ellyn got in the room and I could no longer speak. I could no longer tell anyone what I needed. All I could do is move around to try and ease the pain. Ellyn was my rock. She grounded me when I felt everything spinning out of my control. I was checked and was already at 9.5 cm in only an they rushed my to the delivery room I had ellyn next to me the entire time and all I could do was beg for her to make it stop. I was not able to get an epideral and my worst fears was coming true. Ellyn reassured me that everything I felt was valid and normal but that I am a worrier and was born to do this. I felt the urge to push and he was out in 3. In only an hour and a half from start to finish my 2nd son was here. Since came so fast my husband got back right after and missed him coming out but still got to cut the cord. I didn't want my toddler to watch so I am Soo grateful for Ellyn. She made me realize that every birth is beautiful in its own way. Though my birth plan went out the window, it was better than I ever planned. He came so fast that I still had so much energy. By moving and doing the things Ellyn showed me I was able to listen to my body and follow my intuition. And since he came so so fast, Ellyn was there for me when my husband could not be. Even after my son was born, Ellyn came by the hospital with food and made me feel so special. Made my experience feel special. I was empowered and brave. Even to this day almost 2 months post partum, Ellyn is still helping me everyday. As my friend. My doula. My healing hand.

Klaryssa H.

I would definitely recommend Ellyn for your birthing experience. She was so supportive and very knowledgeable. Not only was she there for our whole labor she was also very helpful and informative during our prenatal sessions. She has taught Hayden and I so many different things from May to August. During my labor she used affirmations I wrote to help me through my contractions. Our birth sure was different from what we had planned; with her help and presence, it was still a joyous and a beautiful event. We feel so lucky to have experienced the labor and birth of our son with Ellyn. We couldn’t have asked for a more kind, loving, calm, strong, skilled and helpful doula. Thank you for being a part of our team and for being such a special person in our lives.

Julia V.

Ellyn was already a great beam of support in the beginning of my pregnancy, and now a guide to assist me and my husband through this astonishing experience of childbirth!

 We are beyond grateful to have her in our corner with her guidance, knowledge and enlightenment about the stages of labor and childbirth, and gives me the encouragement to ask questions and I feel listened to. Ellyn is such a comfort and easy to talk and open up to with no judgement.

Every suggestion or recommendation she provided felt like a customized cocktail just right for us and the direction we wanted to go in this birth experience. 

Alicia A.

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